Time travel, but traveling to the future means it’s empty because it hasn’t happened yet?
Big stickers next to mouse pad on old laptops. Do they still do this?
Content v art / content in art or as art / filler as art; like album, 2 good songs rest filler or dbz episodes—painters, series of paintings, also installations with bits and stuff—interesting relation to online content? Content amalgamation like sludge?
97 school playground, French game store/gameboy acc. Pkmn?/The Beach
2006 you content creator
Old beyblade battle website
Gamified identity
Beast that once seen/rendered visible turns into /appears as thing of beauty—contrasting the more obvious everything is great until you get up close. Everyone is nice until you get to know them, realise that they too are human and carry around shit in their intestines—thing of fairytales; beauty and the beast, etc. but extremified: it is only a beast before it is seen. Does a tree falling in a forest make a noise if nobody is there to notice it? Is a killer who never killed and never will a killer?
French epitome of cultured, yet lack of knowledge on and disinterest in culture beyond their borders?
Something about blandness/anti-design paired with higher price product quality etc
School but it’s an escape room